When Should You Consult a Rheumatologist?

Rheumatic Treatment Guide

It is common to have musculoskeletal pains in your body from time to time which will last for a few days. But if these pains are severe and persistent then you might be suffering from Rheumatic diseases. These diseases affect your joints, bones, ligaments and muscles. Rheumatic diseases are hard to identify at the early stages as the symptoms you might be experiencing will look like a normal joint pain. But in reality, they might be actually associated with a much more serious condition.

If you are suffering from severe joint pain or inflammation or any such symptoms for a longer period, then it is better for you to consult a rheumatologist as soon as possible. A rheumatologist will be specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases. In fact, rheumatology is a branch of medicine associated with diagnosis as well as treatment of rheumatic diseases. Visit a rheumatology clinic near you to find out whether the pain you are experiencing is because of a rheumatic disease.

What is a Rheumatologist?

They are experts with special skills and training in the field of diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases. They will have experience in dealing with different rheumatic conditions and their symptoms and can decide the right treatment you need.

The cause for rheumatic disease

Most of the conditions associated with rheumatic diseases are due to the abnormal behavior of your immune system where it will attack your own tissues. The reason for this behavior is somewhat unknown, but the doctors believe that it is caused by a combination of genes together with environmental factors.

Types of rheumatic diseases

Most common types of rheumatic diseases include:

Osteoarthritis: this is a form of arthritis which mainly affects cartilage tissues in your body which protects your joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis: a condition caused when your immune system mistakenly attacks a tissue called synovium that lines the joints, which results in inflammation.

Fibromyalgia: a condition characterized by the localized pain throughout the entire musculoskeletal system.

Scleroderma: a disease which leads to the tightening and thickening of the skin and scarring and inflammation in different parts of your body.

Polymyositis: a condition whichaffects the muscles and can affect your whole body.

Bursitis: an inflammation of bursas which is a small fluid-filled sac that helps to reduce friction between bones.

These are some of the rheumatic diseases that are commonly found and if you are facing any of these conditions you should consult a rheumatologist immediately. He/she can diagnose your condition accurately and can advice about proper remedies.