CBD is an extract from industrial hemp, with much potential to reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Due to the exceptional properties of it, CBD can regulate the human immune system’s functioning. There are various natural ingredients with anti-inflammatory effects on the body such as ginger, cloves, and turmeric. So, what makes CBD so special?
What The Research Says
CBD attaches to CB2 receptors connected to the human immune system; this way, the substance works directly on it by halting the excessive functioning of it. A 2014 study done in Holland showed CBD’s effectiveness in the working of the aforesaid system and, thus, in reducing inflammatory processes. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is among the most prevalent chronic inflammatory conditions, so CBD is a popular substance to alleviate the disease. Remember, CBD has anti-inflammatory properties.
There Is Also Anecdotal Evidence On The Efficacy Of Cannabidiol
CBD’s effectiveness in alleviating RA has been shown and backed by many scientific studies. In addition to these studies, stories from CBD users have also demonstrated the same. For these users, cannabidiol has been a life-altering form of medicine. There so many positive stories with the same takeaway that these cannot be overlooked.
It is not easy to deal with the said form of arthritis, because it comes with chronic pain, plus it hinders the patient in performing daily tasks. So, an alternative to conventional medicine is welcome, particularly with regards to effective therapy without any major side effects.
How to Choose the Right CBD Product and Dose
Many customers ask which concentration of cannabidiol and method of CBD application is best suited for them. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer to this. It depends on the issue that cannabidiol, or the product containing this substance, is being utilized to tackle. In situations where CBD is used to ease milder conditions like skin/sleep problems or used preventively, CBD 3% drops are popular. In situations where it is used to tackle relatively more severe autoimmune diseases, a greater percentage of cannabidiol is often needed as a supplementary treatment option.
Most rheumatoid arthritis patients generally start by consuming 10% cannabidiol drops, some of which they take every single evening. The best method of CBD ingestion is sublingual (underneath the tongue), because thus, the substance goes into the flowing blood and starts to work. The dose varies by each person, as every single body responds differently to CBD.
Before using CBD for rheumatoid arthritis, do talk to a rheumatologist or doctor. If you get the permission from the professional, then you can proceed to the next step of seeking CBD-infused products online, including on the www.greeny.com website.