Rheumatology is a subspeciality in the field of internal medicine and pediatrics. This is a branch of medicine that is dedicated to the diagnosis and therapy of various diseases that falls under the broad spectrum of rheumatic diseases. Present-day internal medicine branches have inevitable interaction with rheumatology as part of the diagnosis and treatment
Rheumatology Tests
Early diagnosis of your rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is very important to take the right treatment so that you can prevent this chronic condition from becoming worse. Different rheumatology tests can be recommended by your doctor to diagnose RA. There are certain criteria that are used by medical professionals to find out if a
Pediatric Rheumatoid
Rheumatologic diseases affect more than a million children each year in the United States of America. Research in the field of pediatric rheumatology is being given utmost importance, considering the occurrence of the disease in such big numbers in young children.
Types Of Paediatric Rheumatology Disorders
The most common pediatric rheumatoid diseases include juvenile idiopathic